Category: <span>Issue 3: S P A C E</span>

Fashion: Studio to Street Fashion

After class at Tu Dance a few years back, Toni Pierce Sands told me she never wears her
dance clothes out in the world…even for a quick commute from rehearsal to home at the end of
the day, she changes into street clothes. I make it a policy to always do whatever Toni says so I
checked my habit of throwing bigger sweatpants over sweatpants then and there.

From the Field: DanceBARN

As I sit here writing this, I’m lodged between the two landscapes people imagined when I told them I was moving three hours northwest of the Twin Cities. The lake and the prairie; these landscapes have a way of constantly reminding me of growth, space, and ownership. Yes, I live in a town with less than 1,000 citizens. No, I don’t go hunting or harvest my garden for the winter…